あなたのチームは、クライアントに包括的なソリューションを提供するために協力するデザイナー、開発者、ライター、マーケティング担当者で構成されています。これらのソリューションは、視覚的に魅力的なデザインを備えているだけでなく、効果的に機能します。重要な目標の 1 つは、クライアントの Web サイトが Google 検索で上位にランクされるようにすることです。あなたはカスタム Web サイトの作成と開発に情熱を持っており、検索エンジン最適化 (SEO) を通じて上位ランキングを達成することに専念しているクライアントと協力することに喜びを感じています。 Web サイト開発と SEO に加えて、あらゆるデジタル マーケティング戦略を補完するオンライン広告サービスも提供しています。広告サービスには、テキスト広告、ディスプレイ広告、広告リターゲティング、ソーシャル メディア広告など、さまざまな形式が含まれます。 Google、Bing、Facebook、Instagram、LinkedIn、その他何百万ものオンライン プロパティを含む幅広いプラットフォームにわたって、これらの広告を効果的にターゲティングできます。基本的に、あなたのチームは、適切なメッセージを適切な対象者に適切なタイミングで配信し、クライアントのマーケティング活動の効果を最大化することに優れています。
I've worked with my fair share of designers and web developers and SEO agencies and digital this and that over the years. I've never looked as forward to writing a review as I am now.
The Bonsai designer I had the privilege of working with (EF) was *extraordinary* on several fronts. First, top shelf design chops. But, honestly, this isn't uncommon, plenty of killer designers out there. What *is* uncommon is that this same designer also brought a sharp business sensibility to the table, and struck the perfect balance of (a) seeking direction from me (the client) but also (b) presenting his own bold, assertive vision. I'll say it again, finding that combo is incredibly rare. Working with this particular individual was pure, uncut 'joy.' Enough to make me want to find new ways to deepen an existing engagement, or find new ways to engage. (Which I did, and have done, since.)
The real measure of a company isn't necessarily how wonderful things are when everything runs smoothly, but what happens when you experience a wobble or two that are inevitable in a complex, lengthy engagement. How does the firm respond? For context, we'd been working on multiple websites, and multiple initiatives simultaneously. This is where I cannot say enough about their CEO Jason LaBaw. Jason's sincerity, and desire to meet a certain standard was so clear, and compelling, it spoke loudly about what he values as an owner, and as a human, and what he expects of his entire team on both fronts. It is not surprising to see how committed everyone is to meeting that standard, out of a shared desire to deliver excellence.
That's the firm you want as your partner.
Bonsai is on the cutting edge of all things digital marketing. Bonsai continues to deepen its bench with top-shelf talent. (I know their team's evolution because I've been engaged with them for multiple years, and just re-engaged again for more...) Bonsai is the team we're looking to be hitched to, possibly forever, because they walk the talk behind 'wanting to behave like a partner.' How easy is it to say those words at the outset, but how many firms actually live up to it. (With the exception of Bonsai, none, in my experience.)
Bonsai goes the distance. And I look forward to finding new reasons to collaborate with them deep into the future.
Kate Gularteオン
Sep 5, 2024
Bonsai Media Group has been excellent at running our paid ads, helping us reach the right people and get more attention. They’re easy to work with and know their stuff!
Ella Dwyerオン
Sep 5, 2024
Bonsai Media Group is great to work with. Attentive to detail and flexible to help in any way. Great group for any marketing needs you have.
Lindsey Bouléオン
May 11, 2022
My organization has worked with Bonsai Media Group for several years now. They were contracted to redesign our website. Out of all of the project proposals and presentations we listened to, Jason LaBaw and the team at Bonsai Media Group were the most innovative. They listened to our feedback, were attentive to detail, and brought ideas to the table that we had not even thought of.
I was the project manager for the website redesign. The Bonsai team was communicative, thorough, and truly listened to the customer every step of the way. I spent a few days at their former office to learn the backend of the new site. I got to know the team and appreciate their expertise and forward-thinking. They are always looking for new ways to do things that will improve our site and our ability to manage it day-to-day. Shoutout to Matt Franklin who is our first point of contact and liaison between us and the dev team. He's always coming up with solutions to any issue we present to him. I highly recommend the team at Bonsai Media Group for their expertise and customer-focused approach.