Semrush Local
Listing Management
SemrushのListing Managementツールは、どの媒体にサイテーション対策できますか?

SemrushのListing Managementツールは、どの媒体にサイテーション対策できますか?

Listing Managementでは、ローカルビジネスの情報を引用サイトに掲載し、オンライン上のすべてのリスティングで情報が統一されていることを確認できます。


アメリカ合衆国 — 78 ディレクトリ

米国を拠点とするビジネスの場合、Listing Managementツールに情報を追加すると、Semrushは以下のWebサイトに情報を掲載します:

  1. 2findlocal
  2. 8coupons
  3. ABLocal
  4. Amazon Alexa
  5. AmericanTowns.com
  6. Apple
  7. AroundMe
  8. Banks.com v2
  9. Better Business Bureau - Feed
  10. Bing
  11. Brownbook.net
  12. Central Index US
  13. ChamberofCommerce.com
  14. Citysearch
  15. CitySquares
  16. Cylex
  17. D&B Database
  18. DexKnows
  19. DoorDash
  20. eLocal
  21. EZlocal
  22. Facebook
  23. Find Open
  24. Foursquare
  25. GoLocal247
  26. Google Business Profile
  27. HERE
  28. HolidayCheck
  29. HostMe
  30. HotFrog
  31. iBegin
  32. iGlobal
  33. Insider Pages
  34. Instacart
  35. Instagram
  36. Local.com v2
  37. LocalDatabase
  38. LocalPages
  39. LocalStack
  40. MapQuest
  41. Mapstr
  42. MerchantCircle
  43. My Local Services
  44. n49
  45. Navmii
  46. NDrive
  47. Nextdoor
  48. Opendi
  49. Pitney Bowes
  50. Pointcom
  51. Postmates
  52. Property Capsule
  53. RetirementPlanning.net
  54. SafeGraph
  55. ShowMeLocal
  56. Snapchat
  57. Soleo
  58. Superpages
  59. tellows
  60. TomTom
  61. Top Rated Local
  62. TripAdvisor
  63. Tupalo
  64. Uber
  65. Uber Eats
  66. USCity.net
  67. Waze
  68. Where To?
  69. WiserAdvisor
  70. Yahoo!
  71. Yalwa
  72. Yandex
  73. YaSabe
  74. YellowMoxie
  75. YellowPageCity.com
  76. YellowPagesDirectory
  77. Yelp
  78. YP.com
カナダ — 48 ディレクトリ
  1. acompio
  2. Apple Maps
  3. Audi
  4. BAIDU
  5. Bell
  6. Bing
  7. BMW
  8. Brownbook
  9. Cylex
  10. Data Axle
  11. Facebook
  12. Fiat
  13. Find Open
  14. Ford
  15. Foursquare
  16. GM
  17. Google Assistant
  18. Google Business Profile
  19. Google Search
  20. HERE
  21. Hotfrog
  22. iGlobal
  23. Infobel
  24. infoisinfo
  25. Instagram
  26. LocalStack
  27. Manta
  28. Mercedes
  29. Microsoft Cortana
  30. n49°
  31. Navmii
  32. Nextdoor
  33. Opendi
  34. Petal Search
  35. ShowMeLocal
  36. Siri
  37. TomTom
  38. Toyota
  39. TripAdvisor
  40. Tupalo
  41. Uber
  42. VW
  43. Wand
  44. Waze
  45. Where To?
  46. Yalwa
  47. Yandex
  48. Yelp

イギリス — 54 ディレクトリ
  1. 192.com
  2. Acompio UK
  3. Amazon Alexa
  4. Apple
  5. AroundMe
  6. Belfast News Letter
  7. Bing
  8. Brownbook.net
  9. Central Index GB
  10. Cylex
  11. Daily Record
  12. Evening Standard
  13. Facebook
  14. Find Open
  15. Foursquare
  16. Google Business Profile
  17. HERE
  18. HolidayCheck
  19. HostMe
  20. HotFrog
  21. iBegin
  22. iGlobal
  23. Infobel
  24. InfoIsInfo
  25. Instagram
  26. Johnston Press
  27. MapQuest
  28. Mapstr
  29. My Local Services UK
  30. Navmii
  31. NDrive
  32. Nextdoor
  33. Opendi UK
  34. Pitney Bowes
  35. SafeGraph
  36. ScootRealtime
  37. ShowMeLocal
  38. Snapchat
  39. tellows
  40. The Independent
  41. The Mirror
  42. The Scotsman
  43. The Sun
  44. TomTom
  45. TouchLocal
  46. Trinity Mirror
  47. TripAdvisor
  48. Tupalo
  49. WalesOnline
  50. Waze
  51. Where To?
  52. Yalwa
  53. Yandex
  54. Yell
オーストラリア — 38 ディレクトリ
  1. Amazon Alexa
  2. Apple
  3. AroundMe
  4. AussieWeb
  5. Bing
  6. Brownbook.net
  7. Central Index Pacific
  8. Cylex
  9. DoorDash
  10. Facebook
  11. Find Open
  12. Foursquare
  13. Google Business Profile
  14. HolidayCheck
  15. HostMe
  16. Hotfrog AU
  17. iGlobal
  18. Infobel
  19. InfoIsInfo
  20. Instagram
  21. MapQuest
  22. Mapstr
  23. Navmii
  24. NDrive
  25. Nextdoor
  26. Opendi AU
  27. Pitney Bowes
  28. ShowMeLocal
  29. Snapchat
  30. superpages.com.au
  31. tellows
  32. TomTom
  33. TripAdvisor
  34. Tupalo
  35. Waze
  36. Where To?
  37. Yalwa
  38. Yandex
オーストリア — 46 ディレクトリ
  1. abclocal
  2. Apple Maps
  3. Audi
  4. BAIDU
  5. Bing
  6. BMW
  7. Brownbook
  8. Business Branchenbuch
  9. Cylex
  10. Facebook
  11. Fiat
  12. Find Open
  13. Ford
  14. Foursquare
  15. GM
  16. Google Assistant
  17. Google Business Profile
  18. Google Search
  19. Guidelocal
  20. HERE
  21. Hotfrog
  22. iGlobal
  23. Infobel
  24. infoisinfo
  25. Instagram
  26. jelloo
  27. Koomio
  28. Mercedes
  29. Microsoft Cortana
  30. Navmii
  31. Öffnungszeitenbuch
  32. Opendi
  33. Petal Search
  34. Siri
  35. TomTom
  36. Toyota
  37. TripAdvisor
  38. Tupalo
  39. Uber
  40. Unternehmensauskunft
  41. VW
  42. Waze
  43. Where To?
  44. Yalwa
  45. Yandex
  46. Yellbo
ベルギー — 35 ディレクトリ
  1. Apple Maps
  2. Audi
  3. BAIDU
  4. Bing
  5. BMW
  6. Brownbook
  7. Cylex
  8. Facebook
  9. Fiat
  10. Find Open
  11. Ford
  12. Foursquare
  13. GM
  14. Google Assistant
  15. Google Business Profile
  16. Google Search
  17. HERE
  18. Hotfrog
  19. iGlobal
  20. Infobel
  21. Instagram
  22. Mercedes
  23. Navmii
  24. Petal Search
  25. Siri
  26. TomTom
  27. Toyota
  28. TripAdvisor
  29. Tupalo
  30. Uber
  31. VW
  32. Waze
  33. Where To?
  34. Yalwa
  35. Yandex
ブラジル — 38 ディレクトリ
  1. Apple Maps
  2. Audi
  3. BAIDU
  4. Bing
  5. BMW
  6. Brownbook
  7. Cylex
  8. Facebook
  9. Fiat
  10. Find Open
  11. Ford
  12. Foursquare
  13. GM
  14. Google Assistant
  15. Google Business Profile
  16. Google Search
  17. HERE
  18. Hotfrog
  19. iGlobal
  20. Infobel
  21. infoisinfo
  22. Instagram
  23. Mercedes
  24. Microsoft Cortana
  25. Navmii
  26. Opendi
  27. Pages24
  28. Petal Search
  29. Siri
  30. TomTom
  31. Toyota
  32. TripAdvisor
  33. Tupalo
  34. Uber
  35. VW
  36. Waze
  37. Where To?
  38. Yandex
デンマーク — 35 ディレクトリ
  1. Apple Maps
  2. Audi
  3. BAIDU
  4. Bing
  5. BMW
  6. Brownbook
  7. Cylex
  8. Facebook
  9. Fiat
  10. Find Open
  11. Ford
  12. Foursquare
  13. GM
  14. Google Assistant
  15. Google Business Profile
  16. Google Search
  17. HERE
  18. Hotfrog
  19. Infobel
  20. Instagram
  21. Mercedes
  22. Navmii
  23. Nextdoor
  24. Pages24
  25. Petal Search
  26. Siri
  27. TomTom
  28. Toyota
  29. TripAdvisor
  30. Tupalo
  31. Uber
  32. VW
  33. Waze
  34. Where To?
  35. Yandex
フィンランド— 33 ディレクトリ
  1. Apple Maps
  2. Audi
  3. BAIDU
  4. Bing
  5. BMW
  6. Brownbook
  7. Cylex
  8. Facebook
  9. Fiat
  10. Find Open
  11. Ford
  12. Foursquare
  13. GM
  14. Google Assistant
  15. Google Business Profile
  16. Google Search
  17. HERE
  18. Infobel
  19. Instagram
  20. Mercedes
  21. Navmii
  22. Opendi
  23. Petal Search
  24. Siri
  25. TomTom
  26. Toyota
  27. TripAdvisor
  28. Tupalo
  29. Uber
  30. VW
  31. Waze
  32. Where To?
  33. Yandex
フランス — 44 ディレクトリ
  1. 118000.fr
  2. Acompio FR
  3. Amazon Alexa
  4. Apple
  5. AroundMe
  6. Brownbook.net
  7. Cylex
  8. Facebook
  9. Find Open
  10. Foursquare
  11. Google Business Profile
  12. HERE
  13. HolidayCheck
  14. hoodspot.fr
  15. Horairesdouverture24
  16. HostMe
  17. HotFrog
  18. iGlobal
  19. Infobel
  20. InfoIsInfo
  21. Instagram
  22. Justacoté
  24. MapQuest
  25. Mapstr
  26. Navmii
  27. NDrive
  28. Nextdoor
  29. Opendi FR
  30. Pages24 FR
  31. Petit Futé
  32. Pitney Bowes
  33. ShowMeLocal
  34. Snapchat
  35. Telephone City
  36. tellows
  37. TomTom
  38. TripAdvisor
  39. Tupalo
  40. Waze
  41. WEMAP
  42. Where To?
  43. Yalwa
  44. Yandex
ドイツ — 60 ディレクトリ
  1. Acompio DE
  2. Amazon Alexa
  3. Apple
  4. AroundMe
  5. auskunft.de
  6. Bing
  7. Branchenbuch Deutschland
  8. Brownbook.net
  9. BundesTelefonbuch
  10. Cylex
  11. Das Ortliche
  12. Dialo
  13. Facebook
  14. Find Open
  15. finderr
  16. Focus
  17. Foursquare
  18. Freie-Auskunft
  19. Gelbe Seiten
  20. GoLocal
  21. Google Business Profile
  22. GoYellow
  23. HERE
  24. HolidayCheck
  25. HostMe
  26. HotFrog
  27. iGlobal
  28. Infobel
  29. InfoIsInfo
  30. Instagram
  31. Koomio
  32. Lokaleauskunft
  33. MapQuest
  34. Mapstr
  35. Marktplatz-Mittelstand
  36. Meinestadt
  37. Navmii
  38. NDrive
  39. Nextdoor
  40. Nochoffen
  41. Oeffnungszeiten.com
  42. Oeffnungszeitenbuch
  43. Ortsdienst.de
  44. Pitney Bowes
  45. ShowMeLocal
  46. Snapchat
  47. Speisekarte
  48. Stadtbranchenbuch
  49. Superbranchen
  50. t-online Branchen
  51. tellows
  52. TomTom
  53. TripAdvisor
  54. Tupalo
  55. Waze
  56. Where To?
  57. wogibtswas.de
  58. Yalwa
  59. Yandex
  60. YellowMAP
インド — 35 ディレクトリ
  1. Apple Maps
  2. Audi
  3. BAIDU
  4. Bing
  5. BMW
  6. Brownbook
  7. Facebook
  8. Fiat
  9. Ford
  10. Foursquare
  11. GM
  12. Google Assistant
  13. Google Business Profile
  14. Google Search
  15. HERE
  16. Hotfrog
  17. iGlobal
  18. infoisinfo
  19. Instagram
  20. Mercedes
  21. Microsoft Cortana
  22. Navmii
  23. Opendi
  24. Petal Search
  25. Siri
  26. TomTom
  27. Toyota
  28. TripAdvisor
  29. Tupalo
  30. Uber
  31. VW
  32. Waze
  33. Where To?
  34. Yalwa
  35. Yandex
イタリア — 43 ディレクトリ
  1. abclocal
  2. Apple Maps
  3. Audi
  4. BAIDU
  5. Bing
  6. BMW
  7. Brownbook
  8. Cylex
  9. Facebook
  10. Fiat
  11. Find Open
  12. Ford
  13. Foursquare
  14. GM
  15. Google Assistant
  16. Google Business Profile
  17. Google Search
  18. Guidelocal
  19. HERE
  20. Hotfrog
  21. iGlobal
  22. Infobel
  23. infoisinfo
  24. Instagram
  25. jelloo
  26. Mercedes
  27. Microsoft Cortana
  28. Navmii
  29. Nextdoor
  30. Öffnungszeitenbuch
  31. Opendi
  32. Petal Search
  33. Siri
  34. TomTom
  35. Toyota
  36. TripAdvisor
  37. Tupalo
  38. Uber
  39. VW
  40. Waze
  41. Where To?
  42. Yandex
  43. Yellbo
オランダ — 39 ディレクトリ
  1. Apple Maps
  2. Audi
  3. BAIDU
  4. Bing
  5. BMW
  6. Brownbook
  7. Cylex
  8. Facebook
  9. Fiat
  10. Find Open
  11. Ford
  12. Foursquare
  13. GM
  14. Google Assistant
  15. Google Business Profile
  16. Google Search
  17. HERE
  18. Hotfrog
  19. iGlobal
  20. Infobel
  21. infoisinfo
  22. Instagram
  23. Mercedes
  24. Navmii
  25. Nextdoor
  26. Opendi
  27. Pages24
  28. Petal Search
  29. Siri
  30. TomTom
  31. Toyota
  32. TripAdvisor
  33. Tupalo
  34. Uber
  35. VW
  36. Waze
  37. Where To?
  38. Yalwa
  39. Yandex
ノルウェー — 34 ディレクトリ
  1. Apple Maps
  2. Audi
  3. BAIDU
  4. Bing
  5. BMW
  6. Brownbook
  7. Cylex
  8. Facebook
  9. Fiat
  10. Find Open
  11. Ford
  12. Foursquare
  13. GM
  14. Google Assistant
  15. Google Business Profile
  16. Google Search
  17. HERE
  18. Hotfrog
  19. iGlobal
  20. Infobel
  21. Instagram
  22. Mercedes
  23. Navmii
  24. Petal Search
  25. Siri
  26. TomTom
  27. Toyota
  28. TripAdvisor
  29. Tupalo
  30. Uber
  31. VW
  32. Waze
  33. Where To?
  34. Yandex
ポーランド — 35 ディレクトリ
  1. Apple Maps
  2. Audi
  3. BAIDU
  4. Bing
  5. BMW
  6. Brownbook
  7. Cylex
  8. Facebook
  9. Fiat
  10. Find Open
  11. Ford
  12. Foursquare
  13. GM
  14. Google Assistant
  15. Google Business Profile
  16. Google Search
  17. HERE
  18. Hotfrog
  19. iGlobal
  20. Infobel
  21. infoisinfo
  22. Instagram
  23. Mercedes
  24. Navmii
  25. Petal Search
  26. Siri
  27. TomTom
  28. Toyota
  29. TripAdvisor
  30. Tupalo
  31. Uber
  32. VW
  33. Waze
  34. Where To?
  35. Yandex
スペイン — 44 ディレクトリ
  1. abclocal
  2. acompio
  3. Apple Maps
  4. Audi
  5. BAIDU
  6. Bing
  7. BMW
  8. Brownbook
  9. Cylex
  10. Facebook
  11. Fiat
  12. Find Open
  13. Ford
  14. Foursquare
  15. GM
  16. Google Assistant
  17. Google Business Profile
  18. Google Search
  19. Guidelocal
  20. HERE
  21. Hotfrog
  22. iGlobal
  23. Infobel
  24. infoisinfo
  25. Instagram
  26. jelloo
  27. Mercedes
  28. Microsoft Cortana
  29. Navmii
  30. Nextdoor
  31. Opendi
  32. Petal Search
  33. Siri
  34. TomTom
  35. Toyota
  36. TripAdvisor
  37. Tupalo
  38. Uber
  39. VW
  40. Waze
  41. Where To?
  42. Yalwa
  43. Yandex
  44. Yellbo
スウェーデン — 35 ディレクトリ
  1. Apple Maps
  2. Audi
  3. BAIDU
  4. Bing
  5. BMW
  6. Brownbook
  7. Cylex
  8. Facebook
  9. Fiat
  10. Find Open
  11. Ford
  12. Foursquare
  13. GM
  14. Google Assistant
  15. Google Business Profile
  16. Google Search
  17. HERE
  18. Hotfrog
  19. Infobel
  20. Instagram
  21. Mercedes
  22. Navmii
  23. Nextdoor
  24. Opendi
  25. Petal Search
  26. Siri
  27. TomTom
  28. Toyota
  29. TripAdvisor
  30. Tupalo
  31. Uber
  32. VW
  33. Waze
  34. Where To?
  35. Yandex
スイス — 47 ディレクトリ
  1. abclocal
  2. Apple Maps
  3. Audi
  4. BAIDU
  5. Bing
  6. BMW
  7. Brownbook
  8. Business Branchenbuch
  9. Cylex
  10. Facebook
  11. Fiat
  12. Find Open
  13. Ford
  14. Foursquare
  15. GM
  16. Google Assistant
  17. Google Business Profile
  18. Google Search
  19. Guidelocal
  20. HERE
  21. Hotfrog
  22. iGlobal
  23. Infobel
  24. Instagram
  25. jelloo
  26. Koomio
  27. Mercedes
  28. Microsoft Cortana
  29. Navmii
  30. Öffnungszeitenbuch
  31. Opendi
  32. Pages24
  33. Petal Search
  34. Siri
  35. TomTom
  36. Toyota
  37. TripAdvisor
  38. Tupalo
  39. Uber
  40. Unternehmensauskunft
  41. VW
  42. Waze
  43. Where To?
  44. Yalwa
  45. Yandex
  46. Yellbo
  47. zip.ch

* 常に最新のディレクトリを追加しているため、完全なディレクトリ一覧は若干異なる場合があります。

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