Free AI Writing and Generator Tools
Automate your writing, business, and marketing tasks
with our free AI writing tools.
Free AI Text Generator
Generate all kinds of original content. Create ads, emails, blog outlines, articles, and social media posts.

Free Paragraph Rewriter
Enhance your writing on the go. Rewrite and optimize paragraphs with one click in 5+ rewriting styles.

Free AI Title Generator
Get creative ideas for engaging titles. Use this tool for your blog posts, social media headlines, book names, news stories, YouTube titles, and more.

Free Paraphrasing Tool
Rephrase your copy, improve your writing, optimize its tone of voice, and make it easier to read for any audience.

Free Sentence Rewriter
Reword sentences to make your copy more engaging. Generate plagiarism-free copy and use it for various platforms.

Free Proofreading Tool
Edit essays, papers, and articles into powerful, polished pieces of content. Improve readability and get rid of stylistic errors.

Free Word Counter Tool
Count words, sentences, characters, and paragraphs. Check readability and find target keywords in your copy.

Free Summary Generator
Transform your sentences, paragraphs, and articles into digestible copy and summarize text in one click.

Looking to create full, ready-to-rank articles?
SEO Article Generator
Create entire SEO-ready articles and generate organic traffic.
Brand Voice Generator
Define your brand voice and generate content that sounds exactly like you.
AI Writer
Create engaging, original content for your blog and social media with just a few clicks.
What can you do with free AI writing generators?

Save hours of work, every day
Ever heard of writer’s block? We say no more to that! Semrush’s free writing tools help you find ideas, create new text, and rewrite it in seconds.

Improve the quality of your writing
Looking to engage your readers? You need copy that’s easy to read and translates the right message. Our AI writers help you achieve just that.

Create more content for different channels
Gone are the days when you had to spend a fortune (or a few days) to write copy for every channel. Use our free tools to share your thoughts on social media, in blogs, emails, and more.
How to use our free AI writing generators?
Choose the free tool of your choice
Which task would you like to perform? Choose a tool to find title ideas, write new text, or optimize the existing one.
Test out the tool
Add your text/request and see the tool do its magic. Didn’t get quite what you wanted? You can try again till you get the desired result.