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The Get Smart Group

The Get Smart Group


Angels Camp, California, United States



Get Smart Group は、マーケター、ライター、メディア バイヤー、クリエイティブからなる素晴らしいチームです。私たちの主な焦点は、住宅所有者がより良い住宅を持つことを支援するすべての企業をサポートすることです。当社は、在宅レクリエーション、住宅改善、請負業者のマーケティングを専門とするフルサービスのマーケティング代理店です。
$5,000 から開始
  • 1-3 months から開始
  • United States
  • 英語




12 か月間で、SEO に最適化されたユニークなコンテンツが約 55,000 ワード追加されました。また、ランキングを向上させるために、すべてのサイト コンテンツを Google 固有の形式でフィードするためのカスタム Wordpress ソリューションも作成しました。また、現場での時間を増やすために、いくつかのカスタム「スティッキー」ツールも構築しました。


このクライアントは成長を続けており、現在、価値の高い 4 つのキーワードでトップ 3 にランクインし、年間数千万ドルの収益をもたらしています。現在、第 2 層のキーワードに取り組んでおり、これによりさらに年間 500 万~1,000 万ドルの収益がもたらされると予想しています。


私たちのクライアントは、非常に競争の激しいホームサービス分野にいます。ビジネスの 70% 以上は、他の市場でのローカル パックのリストによるものです。課題は、大量の関連コンテンツを作成し、サンフランシスコのローカル パックに参入できるようにサービス エリア ビジネスを位置づけることでした。


私たちは、Web サイト用に 120 ページを超える新しいコンテンツを開発し、Google の適切な検索結果ボックスに表示されるようにすべてのブログ データを再構成し、適度なバックリンク戦略を作成しました。報告書は毎週見直されました。この作業はさらにサービスを追加するために継続中です。


90 日以内にそれらをローカル パック (3 つのマップ リスト) に組み込むことができ、その結果、前年比でビジネスが 62% 増加しました。また、サンフランシスコとその周辺の 70 以上の価値の高いキーワードについては、3 ~ 5 ページから最初のページに移動しました。



John Dennyオン
May 12, 2023

Thank you The Get Smart Group. While working with them I owned a pool, spa retailer with a full service department. I have been working with them for 3 years. They help start back up our advertising plan during and post Covid. They allowed me to gradually ramp up spending at my comfort level. A HUGE shout out to them for building and bringing to fruition a completely online scheduler for our pool openings and closings. This online scheduler has saved tons of man hours(literally), reduced seasonal stress, eliminated errors and increased per season cash flow. THANK YOU. The custom build scheduler was per our needs. Thank you to The Get Smart Team: Michael, Jonathan, Matthew S, Nickie, Matthew S and Abby!

Sara Charlesオン
May 17, 2023

We have worked with The Get Smart Group for nearly 10 years and have nothing but good things to say about this company!! They have always been there to help us when any issue arises. While we have worked with many within the organization some of our standouts are Kristan Hart, Jessy Morrow and Jason Rosenburger. Others who have made our company great are: Jared Walz, Nicholas Pino, Kim Patterson, Meagan Hutchins, Matthew Scheppman and Ben Diedrich Would 100% recommend this company!!

Parker Kniffinオン
May 12, 2023

The Get Smart Group has been a fantastic marketing agency to work with. We've been doing business with them for a little over a year now, and the level of communication and productivity that we get from them is impeccable. We used to have 4 different marketing companies that we do business with for various things and finally bit the bullet to switch agencies that do everything all in one. Our marketing used to be a black sheep, and since we have started using Get Smart that is no longer the case. We are in regular communication with our marketing team, they give us updates on how various projects are going, and have delivered on SEO metrics we've never had before. From search to sale our processed has been overhauled and Get Smart has been with us every step of the way. They helped us transition from an old CRM that was clunky and nonfunctional, launch into a new CRM that has done wonders for our organization in sales, updated our website to have fantastic organic traffic, and really broke down the marketing process to a level that is digestible and understandable. On our team: Josh Harmening & Jared Walz handling our account regularly with clear communication, Tina Branscum our CRM wizard making the system work for us and getting more return from our CRM than we ever had before, David Quilici & Nicholas Pino doing a fantastic job cleaning up unrelated Google searches and driving new traffic, Abby Mwesigwa creating wonderful content and blogs that actually sound like they were written by someone in our industry not some marketing person, and Jason Rosenberger who spent several months being very attentive as we made the switch and answered dozens of questions before we pulled the trigger. The professionalism cannot be understated: this company goes above and beyond to take care of our company, and make sure we success as a business by giving us excellent marketing results. Would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a turnkey marketing solution, and look forward to working with them as we launch into several new product lines and go about a rebranding process for our business. Cannot say it enough, THANK YOU GET SMART FOR A GREAT MARKETING EXPERIENCE!

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