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[送信] をクリックすると、利用規約と個人情報保護ポリシーに同意したことになります。
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About your project
Key requirements
例 「ウェブサイトのSEO診断が必要」、「Google広告のプロフェッショナルを雇いたい」
Budget and timing
Location and language
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Your brief was sent to 0 best-matching agency
KC Web Specialists
Overland Park, Kansas, United States
「退役軍人経営の KC Web Specialists は、カンザスシティの地元の Web デザイナー、Google SEO 検索エンジン最適化のプロ、Google クリック課金広告の専門家です。当社は Google 認定パートナーです。カスタム、SEO 対応、WordPress、リード生成 Web サイトを構築します。Web サイトをお持ちでない場合は、当社が構築します。すでに Web サイトをお持ちで、見た目をもっと良くしたい、または会社にとってもっと役立つものにしたいとお考えですか。当社の Web サイト デザイナー チームは、お客様のビジネスを次のレベルに引き上げます。Google で上位に表示したいですか。KC Web Specialists にお任せください。当社は Google 認定パートナーであり、当社の SEO サービスは他に類を見ません。」
あなたは自分のビジネスを熟知しています。当社の Web デザイナーと SEO チームは、オンライン カスタマーの考え方を理解しています。
カンザスシティのビジネスが Web 上で何をすべきかについて、Web デザイナーや SEO スペシャリストに質問がありますか? モダンな Web デザインとは? 私の Web サイトは携帯電話でも問題なく機能しますか? ローカル検索エンジン最適化 SEO とは何ですか? Google からより多くのビジネスを獲得するにはどうすればよいですか? ソーシャル メディアに取り組まないことで機会を逃していませんか? これらすべてのことは、圧倒される可能性があります。カンザス州オーバーランド パークに所在し、カンザスシティ全域にサービスを提供している当社に、これらすべてをお任せください。当社を信頼してください。できます!
United States
My experience with Chris and the team was great. They are professional and dedicated to doing what their clients want, while helping them figure out what they need. And, they have quick response time, another plus. If you need a web designer, check out this Kansas-based company.
Chris and his team were true professionals in every aspect of the process of creating my website. Their expertise in creating an attractive, professional, and functional website was immediately evident. They began with a consultation to set goals and expectations, as well as define the deliverables and deadlines for myself and the various members of their team. They used a user friendly project management tool which allowed them to effectively communicate and keep everyone moving in the same direction. Just starting my company and being pulled in many directions, I was the hold up in providing them the content they needed to complete the project. However, as soon as I got them what they needed, when the ball was in their court they were incredibly responsive and quick to move the project to its conclusion. They then trained me to manage and add content myself, while offering ongoing enhancements and support for the first 12 months. They also have a demonstrated expertise in SEO implementation and ongoing support at a reasonable cost. On top of all of that, they offered a very fair price to build the website compared to others I talked to, and the willingness to bill monthly instead of all at once, very much appreciated for a start up! Overall, I highly recommend KC Web Specialists and am very appreciative of everything they did for me and my business.
I would highly recommend KC Web Specialists. Chris and his entire team listen to your needs, respond promptly to any inquiries and do amazing work. They are simply great to work with and know what they are doing!
KC Web Specialists LLC were the right company for my clients. They have an amazing pricing structure and their response times are top notch. I will refer all future business to them.
KC Web Specialist is an an amazing company! Chris and his team have went above and beyond helping our company with our website and advertising! If you want it done right, contact Chris and his team. They will propel your company forward and help you grow!!
How it works
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Contact details
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About your project
Key requirements
Services required
Project industry
Examples: “Need SEO audit for my website”, “Looking to hire a Google Ads professional”
Project description
Budget and timing
Estimated budget for this project
Estimated project duration
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Your brief was sent to KC Web Specialists
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